Music in Our Schools Month!

Community-Building at its BEST!

March is “Music in Our Schools Month” nationally, but wow–we have a lot to celebrate here in Hillsborough County! There are so many reasons why music education in our schools is vital, including the cognitive, social-emotional, and cultural development opportunities that music-making provides. This month, however, we want to spotlight how the hard work of our music teachers and student musicians not only helps us build joyful community within our school walls, but also beyond those walls.

It has been a fantastic month already, beginning with our annual Fine Arts Festival: three choruses, a handbell ensemble, mallet percussion ensemble, a string orchestra, and a drumming ensemble, all made up of talented students from different schools across the county. Dedicated teacher-directors unified and brought out beautiful–and danceable!–energy from the performers. A standing-room-only crowd of supportive families, colleagues, and county dignitaries was delighted by performances that bridged a wide variety of musical styles and cultures. Check out a few photos of the Fine Arts Festival below. We are already looking forward to next year!

And take a look at these rock stars at the Florida State Fair!

As we wrap up the month of March, we have additional opportunities to showcase and enjoy our rock bands during our Little Kids Rock Spirit Week! In partnership with several Beef O’Brady’s restaurants around the county, Little Kids Rock bands will be performing several nights this week to raise funds for instrument upkeep and repair. Check out the calendar, and come on out for a great meal, awesome music, and a chance to support these student musicians.

Finally, we just want to thank our students’ parents, guardians, families, and friends for any and all ways you advocate for us, and the joy that is “music in our schools!” Your advocacy and support is certainly needed every month, not just in March, and we are so grateful for your voices.

Pages created by (HCEMEC) Hillsborough County Elementary Music Educators Council Advocacy, HCPS K-5 Music. We support positive views of Music Education and encourage active participation in local, state & national legislative issues related to arts education.

We provide training and continuing education to HCPS K-5 music educators to ensure that we give opportunities for success in music for all of our elementary students.

See you next time!

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