Dancing the Blues Away

Staying Healthy and Happy Through Dance!

Photo by Josh Willink on Pexels.com

Last month we tuned you in to the benefits of singing and how singing can help foster a healthy outlet for expressing feelings and emotions. It can boost your mood and bring joy to an otherwise turbulent time in the midst of Covid. This month we want to highlight another important aspect of the elementary music classroom that can be enjoyed by all- Movement and Dance!

As a music teacher, I always find it interesting when I go to teach a movement or dance lesson that there are always a few kids who ask “Why are we doing dancing? This is music class.” I continue to explain the connection between dance and music and how in many cultures music and dance go hand in hand. They almost always coexist. Cultures all over the world incorporate dancing as an integral part of their music performance. Some music like Salsa and Tango has specific dance steps traditionally associated with them. There are also country line dances, Cha Cha Slide, and the Wobble. Today we have added modes of dance such as Dance Dance Revolution or So You Think You Can Dance on Nintendo, and even dances to learn on Tik Tok. Whether you are taking traditional classes in Ballet or Tap, spicing it up with some Latin moves, hip-hop, or break dance vibes, or simply spending hours perfecting your next Tik Tok, the good news is that you and your kids are gaining some these wonderful benefits!

Benefits of Dance

Obviously, we know that dance as a physical activity burns calories and can improve balance and flexibility. But for children there are so many more added reasons to get dancing. Take a look at these resources that explain the benefits of dance! Remember, elementary students are experiencing dance with their music teachers at school!

Dance doesn’t have to be so structured. There are so many opportunities for kids to be creative with dance. Some of the best dancing is just letting the music flow and seeing where it takes you!
According to the International Journal of Neuroscience, dance also significantly increases serotonin and dopamine levels; these are the feel-good hormones responsible for reducing depression and anxiety and improving mood!

Here are some fun dance videos you can try together–or you can always just turn on your favorite jam and show off your sweet moves. Either way, just get out and dance!

Structured dances to popular songs
Free style dance and freeze!

Pages created by (HCEMEC) Hillsborough County Elementary Music Educators Council Advocacy, HCPS K-5 Music. We support positive views of Music Education and encourage active participation in local, state & national legislative issues related to arts education.

We provide training and continuing education to HCPS K-5 music educators to ensure that we give opportunities for success in music for all of our elementary students.

See you next time!

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Rebecca.Scott@hcps.net Jessica.Kendal@hcps.net