A Marvelous Gift: Singing!

The Benefits and Joys of Raising Our Voices

Photo by Craig Adderley on Pexels.com

Getting Back Our Joy

We have a question: as this 2021 holiday season begins to take flight, how are you feeling?

If you’re anything like so many of us, you’re probably feeling some hopeful expectation, but also a decent amount of stress. As we start to return to “normal” after more isolated holidays last year, the typical holiday busy-ness may feel even more overwhelming. There are places to be, people to see, and the hope that gifts can be acquired on time.

Spoiler alert! As the title of this post suggests, we have a suggestion for one of the easiest, least-expensive, and most joyful gifts you can give yourself and others this holiday season: singing!

We know. And we get it. The pandemic cut away a lot of our established singing, especially in groups, and it may seem more like a memory than reality to have the energy for singing, even by yourself! But while singing is often a response to our emotions, the amazing news is that singing can also help shape what we feel (and our health!). Dr. Graham Welch, a prominent music education researcher, put together a synopsis of the benefits of singing–check out a quick overview in the following list.

Benefits of Singing

  • Physical: singing is aerobic; it also strengthens neurological connections in the brain
  • Psychological: singing can increase self-understanding, emotional release, and growth in communication abilities
  • Social: singing with others often increases social inclusion, and positive feelings associated with community-building
  • Musical: singing helps us realize our musical potential, and helps us build mental “libraries” of songs to enjoy and connect us with others
  • Educational: singing can build language skills, as many of the skills needed to read and interpret music and lyrics overlap with language-learning

As choruses and other chances for group singing are slowly making their way back into our schools, the joy that accompanies those experiences is also returning. Over and over, we hear from fellow music teachers how full-hearted they and their students feel in singing together again–singing is fun!

So, as we press into the month of December and towards the end of the year, we encourage you to let yourself sing, and find ways to help your families sing together. Whether it’s your own version of carpool karaoke, caroling, worship services, or using your cookie-dough-making spoon as a microphone, raise your voices!

Singing Our Way Forward

And when the new year gets close, go ahead and cue up the lyric video linked below—“Auld Lang Syne” (which means “times long past”), this time with a happy, dance-able beat. Press play, and raise your hot cocoa to sing:

“We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for the sake of auld lang syne.”

May your holidays be bright, joyful, and song-filled.

See you next year!

Pages created by (HCEMEC) Hillsborough County Elementary Music Educators Council Advocacy, HCPS K-5 Music. We support positive views of Music Education and encourage active participation in local, state & national legislative issues related to arts education.

We provide training and continuing education to HCPS K-5 music educators to ensure that we give opportunities for success in music for all of our elementary students.

See you next time!

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Rebecca.Scott@hcps.net Jessica.Kendal@hcps.net