The Music We Love…A Connection to Black History.

Early African American music and musicians are key influencers in the music we know and love today!

Country, Rap, Hip Hop, Pop, Rock and Roll, and Reggaetón. Which one strikes your fancy? Or, maybe you have an eclectic ear and enjoy all styles of music? Whatever the case may be, it is almost certain that our music of today wouldn’t have the same sound if it weren’t for the contributions of African American musicians. From the slave hollers and Spirituals of the 18th and 19th centuries to the Blues and smooth sounds of Jazz in the early 1900’s, the African American musical influence has crossed over into almost every genre imaginable.

With such a diverse community of students and families here in Hillsborough County our music programs are always looking for ways to represent various cultures in our music lessons. For us it is a year round endeavor to provide culturally relevant and meaningful music making opportunities for our students. We hope the links below will allow you and your family to make new connections with the music you love as well as foster a new appreciation for how it has evolved over time.

In honor of Black History Month click below on each style of music to learn how African American influence has shaped the music you know and love.

Rap and Hip Hop
Blues and Jazz




Pages created by (HCEMEC) Hillsborough County Elementary Music Educators Council Advocacy, HCPS K-5 Music. We support positive views of Music Education and encourage active participation in local, state & national legislative issues related to arts education.

We provide training and continuing education to HCPS K-5 music educators to ensure that we give opportunities for success in music for all of our elementary students.

See you next time!

Disclaimer: This blog is for information sharing purposes only and intended solely to provide families and interested parties with material supporting the furthering of music and the importance of music education. Those supporting materials are the concepts of their authors and creators and we hold no rights or responsibility to those materials except for our stated intent. HCEMEC does not support or gain from any advertisement in any external link on any pages or posts.