The Power of Music… Songs of Power, Songs of Comfort

This is the time of year when we typically honor Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. with parades, gatherings, speeches, festivals and music. Even though we are in 2021, the challenges of 2020 still linger and have had an impact on yet another American conserve, these celebrations of hope and peace and freedom. Dr. King’s quote speaks to the need for not only the inherent power gained from music, but the comfort that same music can bring. Let us share some of that here…

The civil rights movement brought with it amazing songs such as “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, “How I Got Over”, “A Change is Gonna Come” and “This Little Light of Mine”. Let’s not forget the songs of anger and truth that came later, such as “Glory” from the movie Selma and the rap of Pubic Enemy. No matter the style, these songs hold an immense place and significance in our culture. Children especially need to know about how music plays a role in history and our culture. This aspect of music is a standard that all music teachers are expected to teach and certainly all of HCPS k-5 music teachers do -just ask a student! Although not a substitute for live experiences, recordings of these songs are meaningful.

Here is a wonderful tribute to the powerful iconic song written by Reverend Charles Albert Tindley in 1901, “We Shall Overcome”. Listen to it performed in three different versions. We hope you will share “We Shall Overcome” with all members of your family and by doing so, experience both it’s power and it’s comfort. Knowledge gained through music is powerful and “music speaks louder than words”.

Thanks to Beth’s for this concept.

Pages created by (HCEMEC) Hillsborough County Elementary Music Educators Council Advocacy, HCPS K-5 Music. We support positive views of Music Education and encourage active participation in local, state & national legislative issues related to arts education.

We provide training and continuing education to HCPS K-5 music educators to ensure that we give opportunities for success in music for all of our elementary students.

See you next time!

Disclaimer: This blog is for information sharing purposes only and intended solely to provide families and interested parties with material supporting the furthering of music and the importance of music education. Those supporting materials are the concepts of their authors and creators and we hold no rights or responsibility to those materials except for our stated intent. HCEMEC does not support or gain from any advertisement in any external link on any pages or posts.